Hey y'all! Day 7 - done! :)
Today is Teacher Talk Tuesday over at Blog Hoppin'! So, I'm supposed to give my *advice* for new teachers... HA! I've got some mistakes I've learned from, but I am (in my small 6th year wisdom) FAAAARRRR from the *advice* giver! :)
Okay, here's 3 key mistakes I've learned from!
1. Stand your ground!! Even though you are a new teacher, and most likely young - you have good ideas and you are a valuable asset to your school! Let your ideas be heard & don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it, or that your kids will never be able to do what you think they can. Try it! If it fails miserably, you'll know better next year... lol ;)
2. Communicate with Parents!! Do your best to let parents know EVERYthing that happens at school - newsletter, website, whatever - just let them in! Parents want to feel like they are a part of their child's education, so make sure they get that feeling from you! Happy notes work WONDERS, and you can NEVER communicate too much! ;)
3. Take time for yourself. <ahem, Katy take your own *advice*!!> Do not spend every waking moment at the school or working on school stuff. You will never get it ALL done, so don't try. You'll just stress yourself out and have anxiety problems. lol. Do things that make you happy! When you are happy, your little babies will be happy too!!!
Okay, biggest slice of my advice pie.... LOVE YOUR BABIES!!!!! You only have them for 1 year, and then its gone. Cherish your time together because come next August, you'll wish you had them again!!!!!
Have a great night everyone!!!! :)
Meet the Teacher Monday
WOOO! I think I'm out of this blogging slump! :) School started for us on August 1st... ICK. Kids started staggering in on August 10th, and we finally got all of them on the 17th. Today was a great day - they are learning our routines so quickly. I'm a proud mama! ;)
So, anyway... to start off my return to blogging... I've decided to link up to Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week... cause, well, who doesn't love a celebration of teaching!?!?! And... today is Meet the Teacher Monday! I think this is perfect since I've really just started blogging..
Okay. Me - I 've been teaching for going on 6 years now (man, it feels like just yesterday I was starting my very first 1st day!) - all in kindergarten! 5 of the 6 years have been in full day kindergarten, with one year being Title 1 Kindergarten Enrichment for 1/2 day students. I absolutely LOVE teaching K. It really is the best grade- a nice bridge from early childhood to the elementary grades.
I am married to my BEST friend, Daniel. We have been married for just over a year, and we have 3 precious animal children - Abbie Grace, our yorkie; Tate, our old grey cat; and our new baby Molly Sue, a dog we are not sure of the breed, that we rescued from under the train tracks.
So, anyway... to start off my return to blogging... I've decided to link up to Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week... cause, well, who doesn't love a celebration of teaching!?!?! And... today is Meet the Teacher Monday! I think this is perfect since I've really just started blogging..
Okay. Me - I 've been teaching for going on 6 years now (man, it feels like just yesterday I was starting my very first 1st day!) - all in kindergarten! 5 of the 6 years have been in full day kindergarten, with one year being Title 1 Kindergarten Enrichment for 1/2 day students. I absolutely LOVE teaching K. It really is the best grade- a nice bridge from early childhood to the elementary grades.
I am married to my BEST friend, Daniel. We have been married for just over a year, and we have 3 precious animal children - Abbie Grace, our yorkie; Tate, our old grey cat; and our new baby Molly Sue, a dog we are not sure of the breed, that we rescued from under the train tracks.
Abbie and Tate... long time enemies... now best friends! :)
What am I most looking forward to this year?
Well, teaching my new babies of course! I'm excited about a new beginning and a chance to "do it right" this time... I feel that way every year it seems. There's always things I want to do, but can't ever manage to get around to doing. And I feel that the new school year helps me to believe I can!
I'm also really excited about trying out all the new tips and activities I've learned from my blogging "friends" this summer. Even though I'm a newbie, I've taken note of just about everything!!! :)
What do I need to improve?
TIME MANAGEMENT!! I think after 6 years, I've finally gotten the time management down in the classroom.. well, as down as it can be with 20 little 5 year olds! But, I ALWAYS end up doing things I shouldn't (er, talking...) after school and have to stay 40 forevers. Or, bring work home. ICK. That cuts in to my blogging and pet bonding time. No fun. So, this year, I REALLY want to work to write lesson plans throughout the week, not just on Sunday afternoons. I want to prep materials throughout the week, not just on Sunday afternoon. And I want Sunday's to get to be a relaxing start to the week, not a stress fest.
I also want to improve on my math group time. I'll be rearranging math time this year to have it mimmic reading time a little better, and I'm anxious and excited about how it will turn out!
What teaching supplies can I NOT live without?
MY MACBOOK PRO!!!!! I know it's not a teaching "supply"... but it is my lifeline to my blogging network! :)
1. Dr. Pepper: It must run through my blood at all times. lol.
2. BLACK sharpies. Forget the colored kind. They're alright... but nothing, and I mean nothing, beats a black sharpie!
3. Mavalus Tape! It really is a miracle tape.
4. Chlorox wipes. I think I use a container a week. Ew - my classroom is germy!
5. My white rocking chair. It makes me FEEL like a kindergarten teacher. I <3 reading books from my chair and having my kinder kids crawl up in my lap in my chair when they need a hug or a little love. And I love that it makes my room feel like a home.
Okay, that's it for now! Off to finish importing benchmark testing data for our TAP cluster meeting tomorrow!!!! I've got TONS of printables I've made for the first week of school - just trying to organize them into a unit maybe? Hopefully I'll have it ready for this weekend! :)

Table Bucket Tags
Hey y'all! Super late night... Meet the Teacher is tomorrow! EEP! I'll be sure to post and let you know how it goes.
Anyway, I thought I'd share my table bucket tags tonight before I go to bed. I <3 tables in the classroom! They are so tidy and organized. To help keep them organized, I've got table buckets. These house the kiddos shared supplies (crayons, pencils, those fabuloso pink pearl erasers, etc.) as well as mini word walls, and our ABC anchor chart. These bucket tags are jungle themed.. just like my room. And well, me too I guess. I heart zebra print. :) They are free to print so enjoy, love, and use them! Night night!
Anyway, I thought I'd share my table bucket tags tonight before I go to bed. I <3 tables in the classroom! They are so tidy and organized. To help keep them organized, I've got table buckets. These house the kiddos shared supplies (crayons, pencils, those fabuloso pink pearl erasers, etc.) as well as mini word walls, and our ABC anchor chart. These bucket tags are jungle themed.. just like my room. And well, me too I guess. I heart zebra print. :) They are free to print so enjoy, love, and use them! Night night!

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